Signs Your Boyfriend Wants You To Lose Weight

Signs Your Boyfriend Wants You To Lose Weight
Signs Your Boyfriend Wants You To Lose Weight

Are you constantly feeling self-conscious about your weight around your boyfriend? Do you find yourself wondering if he wants you to lose some pounds? It’s a touchy subject but one that needs to be addressed. In this blog post, we’ll explore the subtle signs your boyfriend may be sending you that indicate he wants you to shed some weight. Don’t fret – we’ll also discuss handling the situation and maintaining a healthy relationship with open communication. So, buckle up and dive into “Signs Your Boyfriend Wants You To Lose Weight.”

Signs He's Asking You to Lose Weight

There are many signs that your boyfriend may be asking you to lose weight. He may comment about your weight or try to encourage you to diet or exercise more. If you notice any of these signs, you must talk to your boyfriend about his concerns.

One sign that your boyfriend may be asking you to lose weight is if he comments on your appearance. He may say that you look good but then follow up with a comment about your weight. For example, he might say, “You look great, but I think you would look even better if you lost a few pounds.” If your boyfriend comments like this, you must talk to him about why he feels this way.

Another sign that your boyfriend may ask you to lose weight is if he tries to encourage you to diet or exercise more. He may do this by suggesting that you try a new diet or workout routine. Or, he may buy you new workout clothes or equipment. If your boyfriend is doing these things, talking to him about his motivations is essential.

If you notice any of these signs, you must talk to your boyfriend about his concerns. He may have valid reasons for wanting you to lose weight. But it’s also possible that his motivation is rooted in insecurity or an unhealthy obsession with your appearance. Either way, the only way to know is to talk to him about it.

What To Do if Your Boyfriend Wants You to Lose Weight

It cannot be accessible if your boyfriend wants you to lose weight. On the one hand, you may feel like he is no longer attracted to you. On the other hand, you may feel like he is just trying to help you be healthier. Here are some tips if you are still trying to figure out what to do.

First, talk to him about why he wants you to lose weight. Is he concerned about your health? Does he think you would look better if you were thinner? If he has valid reasons for wanting you to lose weight, you can work together to make it happen.

Second, consider your health and how losing weight could impact it. If your boyfriend is pressuring you to lose weight in an unhealthy way, then it might be best to break up with him. However, if he suggests that you eat healthier and exercise more, then it might be worth considering his request.

Third, think about how losing weight would make you feel. Would it make you happier and more confident? Or would it make you feel like your boyfriend is controlling your body? If losing weight improves your self-esteem, it might be worth doing for yourself, even if your boyfriend is not directly asking for it.

Fourth, set realistic goals for yourself. If your boyfriend wants you to lose 20 pounds in a month, that is not realistic or healthy. But if he wants you to cut out processed foods.

Ways to Talk to Your Boyfriend About Your Weight Loss Goals

Talking to your boyfriend about your weight loss goals can be challenging. You may feel like you are being judged or that he does not understand your reasons for wanting to lose weight. However, it is essential to communicate with him about your goals so that he can support you in your journey. Here are some tips for how to talk to your boyfriend about your weight loss goals:

1. Be open and honest about why you want to lose weight. Tell him what motivated you to make this decision and how much better you hope to feel once you reach your goal.

2. Explain that losing weight will require lifestyle changes, such as eating healthier and exercising more regularly. Let him know you would appreciate his support as you make these changes.

3. Share your fears and concerns with him. He may not know how difficult it is for you to diet and exercise, so tell him what worries you the most about trying to lose weight.

4. Ask him for specific ways that he can help you reach your goals. He may be willing to cook healthier meals with you or go on walks with you to help keep you motivated.

5. Thank him for listening and expressing his support to you. Even if he disagrees with your decision to lose weight, knowing he is there for you will make the process easier.

Are His Suggestions Healthy?

There are a few key things to look for when determining if your boyfriend’s suggestions for losing weight are coming from a place of concern or control. For example, does he frequently bring up your weight in conversation? Does he make comments about how you look in specific clothing? Does he suggest that you change your eating habits or exercise more?

If your boyfriend’s suggestions are coming from a place of concern, then he is likely simply trying to help you be healthy. However, his suggestions come from a place of control. In that case, it is essential to talk with him about why this is an issue for him. It could be that he has body image issues or feels like he needs to be in control of everything in the relationship. Either way, it is essential to communicate with him openly and honestly about his motivations.

How to Increase Self-Esteem When Your Partner is Encouraging Weight Loss

When your partner is encouraging weight loss, it can be challenging to maintain high self-esteem. However, you can do a few things to help yourself feel better about yourself and your body.

First, remember that your partner loves you no matter what your size is. They are likely trying to help you be healthier and feel better about yourself. Second, try to focus on the positive aspects of your body and look for ways to improve your health rather than dwelling on the negative.

Talk to your partner about your feelings and why you think they are encouraging weight loss. They will be more likely to help you healthily reach your goals if they are supportive and understanding.


Weight loss can be a complex process, and it is essential to make sure that your decisions are yours. Suppose you suspect that your boyfriend may have an unhealthy obsession with your weight. In that case, it is essential to take time for self-reflection and talk to someone who can help guide handling this situation. Remember, it is never okay for anyone else to dictate or control how we look or feel about our bodies. With these signs in mind, you can now identify when it’s time to stand up for yourself and confidently move forward.

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